Training DVDs Available

(Recordings of Audio Visual Classes conducted by NBE prior to 2013)
DVDs of Audio Visual classes conducted by NBE prior to 2013 are available in the following topics for trainees to augment their training.
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1 Anaesthesiology Vol.I Part- 1- Long case discussion
Part- 2- Short case discussions
Part- 3 Viva and instruments
Part- 4 Preparing for theory examination
Part- 5 OSCE film
2 Anaesthesiology Vol.II Part- 6 recent advances
Part- 7 Attempting theory questions
3 Anaesthesiology Vol.III Part- 8 Anatomy & Physiology of CVS and anesthetic drugs
Part- 9 Hypertension & Anesthesia
Part- 10 Preoperative evaluation of Myocardial Ischemia-I
Part- 11 Preoperative evaluation of Myocardial Ischemia-II
4 Anaesthesiology Vol.IV Part- 12 Anesthetic management of Myocardial Ischemia-III
Part- 13 Anesthesia in coronary artery bypass
Part- 14 Anesthesia in Mitral valve replacement
5 Anaesthesiology Vol.V Part- 15 Monitoring in Neuro-anaesthesia
Part- 16 Anesthesia in Head injury
Part- 17 Anesthesia for interventional radiology
6 Anaesthesiology Vol.VI Part- 18 Anesthesia management for a case of Hydrocephalous
Part- 19 Anesthesia management for a case of Meningomylocele
Part- 20 Anesthesia management for a case of Cleft lip
Part- 21 Anesthesia management for a case of Cyanotic Heart Disease
Part- 22 Anesthesia management for a case of Club foot
Part- 23 Anesthesia management for a case of RHD & MS
7 Anaesthesiology Vol.VII Part- 24 Anesthesia management for a case of Hypertension
Part- 25 Anesthesia management for a case of Corpulmonale
Part- 26 Anesthesia management for a case of Bronchial asthama
Part- 27 Anesthesia management for a case of CAD
Part- 28 Anesthesia management for a case of facial palsy
Part- 29 Anesthesia management for a case of GB syndrome
8 Anaesthesiology Vol.VIII Part- 30 Anesthesia management for a case of chronic lever disease
Part- 31 Anesthesia management for a case of Jaundice
Part- 32 Anesthesia management for a case of Toxemia in pregnancy
Part- 33 Anesthesia management for a case of Thyroid
9 Anaesthesiology Vol.IX Part- 34 Anesthesia management for a case of Diabetes
Part- 35 Anesthesia management for a case of renal disorder
Part- 36 Anesthesia management for a case of Kyphoscoliosis
Part- 37 Anesthesia management for a case of PVD & TM joint
10 Anaesthesiology Vol.X Part- 38 Anesthesia management for a case of tracheostomy& BEP
Part- 39 Anesthesia management for a case of Burns contractures
Part- 40 Spinal Anesthesia
11 Anaesthesiology Vol.XI Part- 41 Importance of ABG in Anesthesia
Part- 42 Importance of drugs in Anesthesia
Part- 43 Importance of ECG in Anesthesia
Part- 44 Importance of X-rays in Anesthes
12 Anaesthesiology Vol.XII Part- 45 Quiz on X-rays / MRI
Part- 46 Quiz on ECG & PFT
Part- 47 Quiz on instruments-I
Part- 48 Quiz on instruments -II
13 Anaesthesiology Vol.XIII Part- 49 Quiz on case scenario
Part- 50 Venous and Arterial Cannulation
Part- 51 Airway Devices
Part- 52 Resuscitation
14 Anaesthesiology Vol.XIV Part- 53 Preparing of by pass machine before cardiac surgery
Part- 54 Organ preservation and protection during bypass surgery
Part- 55 Anesthetic management for off-pump CABG
Part- 56 Pulmonary artery catheterization non-invasive cardiac output measurement
15 Anaesthesiology Vol.XV Part- 57 Preanesthetic evaluation of coronary patient for non-cardiac surgery latest guidelines
Part- 58 Anesthetic management of rheumatic heart disease for cardiac surgery
Part- 59 Anesthetic management of cyanotic heart disease for cardiac surgery
Part- 59 Anesthetic management of cyanotic heart disease for cardiac surgery
16 Anaesthesiology Vol.XVI Part- 61 Anesthetic management in cardiac emergencies
Part- 62 Mechanical ventilation
Part- 63 Basic principles in pediatrics anesthesia
Part- 64 Anesthetic management of posterior fossa tumour for surgery
17 Anaesthesiology Vol.XVII Part- 65 Anesthetic management of posterior fossa surgery-II
Part- 66 Anesthesia for neuro-radiological procedures
Part- 67 cerebral blood flow and auto-regulation
Part- 68 how to prepare for theory and practical exam in anesthesia
18 Anaesthesiology Vol.XVIII Part- 69 Model answers to theory questions-I
Part- 70 Model answers to theory questions-II
Part- 71 Model answers to theory questions-III
Part- 72 Model answers to theory questions-IV
19 Applied aspects of Microbiology pathology and hematology Vol.I Part- 1 Clinical aspects of hospital acquired infections
Part- 2 Clinical aspects of hospital waste management
Part- 3 Clinical interpretation of common biochemical tests
Part- 4 Clinical interpretation of tests for HIV/AIDS
20 Applied aspects of Microbiology pathology and hematology Vol.II Part- 5 Clinical interpretation of common hematological tests
Part- 6 Clinical interpretation of common pathological tests
Part- 7 Clinical interpretation of tests for STDs
Part- 8 Clinical aspects of rationale use of blood
21 Applied aspects of Microbiology pathology and hematology Vol.III Part- 9 Clinical interpretation of tests for tuberculosis
Part- 10 Interpretation of lever function tests
Part- 11 Diagnosis of renal disorders-I
Part- 12 Diagnosis of renal disorders-II
22 Applied aspects of Microbiology pathology and hematology Vol.IV Part- 13 Interpretation of serological tests
Part- 14 Interpretation of hematological tests-II
Part- 15 Interpretation of tests for blood coagulation
Part- 16 Interpretation of biochemistry-II tests
Part- 17 Role of pathology in diagnostic bronchoscopy-I
Part- 18 Role of pathology in diagnostic bronchoscop
23 Applied aspects of Microbiology pathology and hematology Vol.V Part- 19 Pre analytic parameters in clinical biochemistry
Part- 20 Pre analytic sources of errors in clinical microbiology
Part- 21 Pre analytic issues in clinical hematology
Part- 22 Automation in pathology
24 Applied aspects of Microbiology pathology and hematology Vol.VI Part- 23 Monitoring of blood bank
Part- 24 Responsibilities of clinicians for blood transfusion
Part- 25 Apheresisof blood components
Part- 26 Preparation and quality control of blood components
25 Applied aspects of Microbiology pathology and hematology Vol.VII Part- 23 Monitoring of blood bank
Part- 24 Responsibilities of clinicians for blood transfusion
Part- 25 Apheresisof blood components
Part- 26 Preparation and quality control of blood components
26 Bedside Training Vol.I Part- 1 Bedside clinical teaching-qualities of teacher-I
Part- 2 Bedside clinical teaching-qualities of teacher-II
Part- 3 Bedside clinical teaching- in Medicine
Part- 4 Bedside clinical teaching- in Pediatrics
27 Clinical Procedures Vol.I Part- 1 Thoraco-centasis and pleural biopsy
Part- 2 Abdominal tap and biopsy of kidney and lever
Part- 3 Bone marrow aspiration
Part- 4 Intubation
28 Clinical Procedures Vol.II Part- 5 Oxygen therapy Biopsy FNAC Local anesthesia
Part- 6 Enema and Tracheostomy
Part- 7 FNAC Intercostal drainage nasogastric tube insertion
Part- 8 Uretheral catheterization venesection care of tubes
29 Dermatology and Venereology Vol.I Part- 1- Applied Anatomy Dermatology
Part- 2 Applied Microbiology Dermatology
Part- 3- Applied Pathology Dermatology
Part- 4 History & Clinical Examination Dermatology
30 Dermatology and Venereology Vol.II Part- 5- Lab procedures in Dermatology
Part- 6-Common dermatological problems
Part- 7- Basics of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Dermatology
Part- 8 Applied embryo-anatomy Dermatology
31 Dermatology and Venereology Vol.III Part- 9- Clinical procedures in Dermatology
Part- 10-Diagnostic procedures in Dermatology
Part- 11-Therapeutic procedures in dermatology
32 Emergency Medicine Vol.I Part- 1 Approach to a unconscious patient
Part- 2 Approach to a patient with respiratory failure
Part- 3 Approach to a patient with Coronary heart disease
Part- 4 Approach to a patient with poisoning
33 Emergency Medicine Vol.II Part- 5 Approach to a patient with HIV/AIDS
Part- 6 Approach to pregnant woman with diabetes
Part- 7 Approach to a child with Diabetes
34 Emergency Medicine Vol.III Part- 8 Approach to an adult with Diabetes
Part- 9 Administration of anesthetic to a patient with diabetes
Part- 10 Basic information on sutures
Part- 11 Basic information on Knots
35 Family Medicine Vol.I Part- 1 Approach to a woman with early pregnancy
Part- 2 Approach to woman with anemia in last trimester
Part- 3 Approach to a pregnant woman with hypertension
Part- 4 Approach to pregnant woman with 40 weeks of gestation
Part- 5 Approach to pregnant woman with history of epilepsy
Part- 6 Approach to pregnant woman with pre-eclampsia
Part- 7 Approach to a pregnant woman with convulsions
Part- 8 Approach to a pregnant woman with bleeding
Part- 9 Approach to pregnant woman in last trimester with bleeding
Part- 10 Approach to pregnant woman in early pregnancy with bleeding
36 Family Medicine Vol.II Part- 11 Approach to a married woman with no living issue
Part- 12 Approach to married woman with in fertility
Part- 13 Approach to post-menopausal woman with bleeding
Part- 14 Approach to a woman with irregular menses
Part- 15 approach to a young girl with painful menses
Part- 16 Approach to an elderly woman with irregular menses
37 Family Medicine Vol.III Part- 17 Approach to a woman with failed barrier contraceptive method
Part- 18 approach to a woman for advising contraception
Part- 19 making PAP smear and inserting IUCD
Part- 20 Approach to a case with PEM
Part- 21 Assessment of growth and development in children
38 Family Medicine Vol.IV Part- 22 Resuscitation of children
Part- 23 Approach to child with red eyes
Part- 24 Approach to children with common infections-I
Part- 25 Approach to children with common infections-II
39 Family Medicine Vol.V Part- 26 approach to a case with chest pain-I
Part- 27 approach to a case with chest pain-II
Part- 28 approach to a case with chest pain-III
Part- 29 Approach to a case with altered sensorium
40 Family Medicine Vol.VI Part- 30 Approach to a case with snake bite
Part- 31 Approach to cases with Shock and heat stroke
Part- 32 Approach to a case with weakness of limbs
Part- 33 Approach to a case with involuntary movements
41 Family Medicine Vol.VII Part- 34 Approach to a case with benign breast disease
Part- 35 Approach to a case with gall stone disease
Part- 36 Approach to a case with hernia
Part- 37 Approach to a case with thyroid disease
42 Family Medicine Vol.VIII Part- 38 Fluid & Electrolyte management
Part- 39 Cardio pulmonary resuscitation
Part- 40 Diagnosis & management of shock
Part- 41 Antiseptic dressings
43 Family Medicine Vol.IX Part- 42 Approach to case with vertigo
Part- 43 Approach to case with headache
Part- 44 Approach to case with migraine
Part- 45 Approach to a case with secondar
44 Family Medicine Vol.X Part- 46 Approach to a case with chronic headache
Part- 47 Approach to a case with atypical headache & facial pain
Part- 48 Approach to a case with tonsillitis & pharyngitis
Part- 49 Approach to case with otitis externa
45 Family Medicine Vol.XI Part- 50 History & examination of young infant & children
Part- 51 Emergency triage assessment & treatment on children
Part- 52 Hypoxia & oxygen therapy
Part- 53 Approach to a child with fever respiratory distress & diarrhoea
46 Family Medicine Vol.XII Part- 54 Issues in immunization
Part- 55 Issues related to pediatrics HIV infection
Part- 56 Approach to case with acute trauma
Part- 57 Approach to case with jaundice
47 Family Medicine Vol.XIII Part- 58 Surgical Nutrition
Part- 59 Approach to case with snake bite
Part- 60 Wound Healing
Part- 61 Approach to child with skin proble
48 Family Medicine Vol.XIV Part- 62 Care of new born baby
Part- 63 Approach to a child with asthma
Part- 64 Assessment of growth & development in children
Part- 65 Immunization practices in children
49 General Medicine Vol.I Part- 1- Key points for preparing in DNB (Medicine) Theory Examination
Part- 2- Key points for preparing long cases in Practical DNB (Medicine) examination
Part- 3- Key points for preparing short cases in Practical DNB (Medicine) examination
Part- 4- Key points for preparing for Viva in practical DNB (Medicine) examination
50 General Medicine Vol.II Part- 5- Key points for preparing for Spots in Practical DNB (Medicine) examination
Part- 6- Basics of ECG and its interpretation Medicine
51 General Medicine Vol.III Part- 7- Basics of Echocardiogram and its interpretation Medicine
Part- 8- Neuro Radiology and Gastro-intestinal Radiology Medicine
Part- 9- Guidelines for case discussions for consultants Medicine
Part- 10- Basics of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Medicine
52 General Medicine Vol.IV Part- 11- Guidelines for case presentation for candidates Medicine
Part- 12- Guidelines for case presentation for candidates Medicine
Part- 13- Case of Nephtrotic Syndrome Medicine
Part- 14- Case of renal Failure Medicine
53 General Medicine Vol.V Part- 15-History taking
Part- 16- Clinical examination
Part- 17- Examination of GIT & Respiratory systems
Part- 18- Examination of CVS
54 General Medicine Vol.VI Part- 19- examination of CNS
Part- 20- Mock examination- Instruments
Part- 21- Mock examination- Specimens & ECG
Part- 22- Recent advances
55 General Medicine Vol.VII Part- 23 Approach to a case with Diabetes-I
Part- 24 Approach to a case with Diabetes-II
Part- 25 Approach to a case with Jaundice
Part- 26 Approach to a case with hematological disorder
Part- 27 Approach to a case with spleenomegaly
Part- 28 Approach to a case with heart disease
56 General Medicine Vol.VIII Part- 29 Approach to a CNS Case-I
Part- 30 Approach to a CNS case-II
Part- 31 Approach to a CNS case-III
Part- 32 Approach to a CNS case-IV
Part- 33 Approach to a CNS case-V
Part- 35 Approach to a case with chest infection
57 General Medicine Vol.IX Part- 36 Viva on X-rays
Part- 37 Viva on MRI
Part- 38 Ward round
Part- 39 Viva on EC
58 General Medicine Vol.X Part- 40 Clinical case scenario in medicine
Part- 41 Viva on instruments
Part- 42 Approach to a case with joint pain
59 General Medicine Vol.XI Part- 43 Management of Diabetes Mellitus-I
Part- 44 Management of Diabetes Mellitus-II
Part- 45 management of hypertension and IHD in diabetes mellitus
Part- 46 Basic principles of DOTS
Part- 47 Management of respiratory & systemic mycosis
60 General Medicine Vol.XII Part- 48 Management of high risk factors in cardiovascular disorders
Part- 49 Management of acute coronary syndrome
Part- 50 Management of heart failure
Part- 51 Management of valvular heart disease
61 General Medicine Vol.XIII Part- 52 Management of rhythm and conduction disorders
Part- 53 Cardiac pacing- basics and indications
Part- 54 Echocardiography-I
Part- 55 Echocardiography-II
62 General Medicine Vol.XIV Part- 56 Lab approach to anemia
Part- 57 Management of refractory anemia
Part- 58 Management of pregnancy induced hypertension
Part- 59 Management of diabetic foot
Part- 60 Insulin therapy in diabetes
63 General Medicine Vol.XV Part- 61 Management of hyponatremia
Part- 62 Management of calcium-phosphorus disturbance in chronic renal disease
Part- 63 Bedside approach to a patient with renal disease
Part- 64 Sustained low efficiency daily dialysis
64 General Medicine Vol.XVI Part- 65 Epidemiology pathogenesis and diagnosis of bronchial asthma
Part- 66 Aerosol bronchodilator therapy
Part- 67 Management of chronic stable bronchial asthma
Part- 68 Management of difficult asthma
Part- 69 Management of acute severe asthma
65 General Medicine Vol.XVII Part- 70 Etiopathogenesis clinical presentation and diagnosis of COPD
Part- 71 Management of COPD-I
Part- 72 Management of COPD-II
Part- 73 Management of COPD-III
66 General Medicine Vol.XVIII Part- 74 Management of Pneumothorax
Part- 75 Oxygen therapy B
Part- 76 Management of a case with lung cancer
Part- 77 Management of community based pneumonia
67 General Medicine Vol.XIX Part- 78 Management of severe community acquired pneumonia
Part- 79 Management of pneumonia in immuno-compromised host
Part- 80 Management of hospital acquired pneumonia
Part- 81 Management of pneumonia in elderly
68 General Medicine Vol.XX Part- 82 Classification of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases
Part- 83 Diagnostic approaches and evaluation of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases
Part- 84 Bronchoscopic investigations in diffuse pulmonary diseases
Part- 85 Histo-pathological patterns in diffuse pulmonary diseases
69 General Medicine Vol.XXI Part- 86 Imaging in diffuse parenchymal lung diseases
Part- 87 Management of Idiopathicpulmonary fibrosis
Part- 88 ILD in collagen vascular diseases
Part- 89 Management of Sarcoidosis
70 General Medicine Vol.XXII Part- 90 Management of hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Part- 91 Management of pulmonary eosinophilias
Part- 92 Diagnosis and management of dyslipidemia
Part- 93 Management of hypertension
71 General Medicine Vol.XXIII Part- 94 Management of acute coronary syndrome
Part- 95 Current status of coronary bypass surgery
Part- 96 Definition etiology and diagnosis of chronic kidney disease
Part- 97 Management of anemia in chronic kidney disease
72 General Medicine Vol.XXIV Part- 98 Management of diabetes and hypertension in chronic kidney disease
Part- 99 Molecular diagnosis of infectious diseases
Part- 100 Accreditation of blood banks
Part- 101 Management of non-infectious transfusion
73 General Medicine Vol.XXV Part- 102 Diagnosis & management of Hirschprung disease-I
Part- 103 Diagnosis & management of Hirschprung disease-II
Part- 104 Rehabilitation of a case of rheumatoid arthritis
Part- 105 Management of a case of osteoporosis
74 General Medicine Vol.XXVI Part- 106 Recent advances in management of diabetes mellitus
Part- 107 Management of a case of hyperprolactenimia
Part- 108 Management of delayed puberty
Part- 109, Management of thyroid and parathyroid disorders
Part- 110 Radio-nuclide imaging in endocrinology
75 General Medicine Vol.XXVII Part- 111 Patho physiology and approach to patient with ARF
Part- 112 AIN and RPGN
Part- 113 Acute renal failure in renal transplant patient
Part- 114 Acute Renal Failure in pregnancy and in elderly
76 General Surgery Vol.I Part- 1-Preparing for examination in Surgery
Part- 2 Key points for long case presentations in Surgery
Part- 3-Key points for short case presentations in Surgery
77 General Surgery Vol.II Part- 4 Key points for viva and ward rounds in Surgery
Part- 5- Case presentation by candidates in Surgery
Part- 6-Long case discussions guidelines for consultants in Surgery
Part- 7- Basics of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
78 General Surgery Vol.III Part- 8 Thyroid multi-nodular swelling
Part- 9 Thyrotoxicosis
Part- 10 Salivary gland swelling
Part- 11 Cervical swelling
Part- 12 Oral ulcer
79 General Surgery Vol.IV Part- 13 Breast lump in female
Part- 14 Breast lump in male
Part- 15 Shoulder swelling
Part- 16 Umblical lump
80 General Surgery Vol.V Part- 17 PVD
Part- 18 Ulcer foot
Part- 19 A-V Malformations
Part- 20 Necrotising fasciaitis
Part- 21 Tracheostomy
Part- 22 Lever lump
81 General Surgery Vol.VI Part- 23-Mock examination-Instruments
Part- 24- Mock examination-X-rays
82 General Surgery Vol.VII Part- 27-Applied anatomy of head face and neck
Part- 28-Applied anatomy of Breast & intestine
Part- 29-Applied anatomy of rectum and anus
Part- 30-Applied anatomy of Prostrate & Testis
83 General Surgery Vol.VIII Part- 31-Applied anatomy of liver & varicose veins
Part- 32-pathophysiology of salivary glands tumours
Part- 33 Pathopysiology of GERD
Part- 34 Pathology of testicular tumour
84 General Surgery Vol.IX Part- 35 Obstructive jaundice-I
Part- 36 Obstructive janudice-II
Part- 37 Pathophysiology of obstructive jaundice
85 General Surgery Vol.X Part- 38 Basic types of dressing for wounds
Part- 39 Basic types of sutures
Part- 40- Suturing techniques
Part- 41- Types of knots
86 General Surgery Vol.XI Part- 42 Basic post-op?rative care
Part- 43 safety and sterilisation in surgical practice
Part- 44 Common surgical procedures in the wards-I
Part- 45 Common surgical procedures in the wards
87 General Surgery Vol.XII Part- 46 Soft tissue sarcoma
Part- 47 Oral Cancer
Part- 48 Sleep Apnea
Part- 49 Approach to a case
88 General Surgery Vol.XIII Part- 50 Instruments
Part- 51 X-rays
Part- 52 Ward round
89 General Surgery Vol.XIV Part- 53 Approach to a case with thyroid swelling
Part- 54 Approach to a case with jaundice
90 General Surgery Vol.XV Part- 55 Approach to a case with PVD
Part- 56 Approach to a case with lump breast
Part- 57 Appraoch to a case with acute abdomen
Part- 58 Approach to a case with lump in abdo
91 General Surgery Vol.XVI Part- 59 Applied anatomy of urinary tract rectum and anal canal
Part- 60 Management of rectal prolapse
Part- 61 Management of pilonidal sinus disease
Part- 62 Management of benign tumours of breast
92 General Surgery Vol.XVII Part- 63 Management of acute mesenteric ischemia-I
Part- 64 Management of acute mesenteric ischemia-II
Part- 65 Principles of laproscopic surgery
Part- 66 Management of bile duct injury
93 General Surgery Vol.XVIII Part- 67 Management of abdomen compartment syndrome
Part- 68 Pancreatic transplant
Part- 69 Applied anatomy of anterior abdominal wall inguinal canal and pelvic floor
Part- 70 Management of metastatic lymphnodes of neck
94 General Surgery Vol.XIX Part- 71 Presentation of a case of thyroglossal cyst
Part- 72 Presentation of a case of oral cancer
Part- 73 Presentation of a case of oral ulcer
Part- 74 Presentation of a case of cancer breast
95 General Surgery Vol.XX Part- 75 Management of case of pylo-ureteric junction obstruction-I
Part- 76 Management of case of pylo-ureteric junction obstruction-II
Part- 77 Management of a case of Hypospadias-I
Part- 78 Management of a case of Hypospadi
96 General Surgery Vol.XXI Part- 79 Role of CET in GI malignancies
Part- 80 Bariatrics and metabolic surgery
Part- 81 Management of anorectal malformations-I
Part- 82 Management of anorectal malformationsII
97 General Surgery Vol.XXII Part- 83 Management of case of breast lump ? I
Part- 84 Management of case of breast lump?II
Part- 85 Management of case of breast lump ? III
Part- 86 Management of case of breast lump?IV
Part- 87 Management of case of breast lump?V
98 General Surgery Vol.XXIII Part- 88 Management of case of lump abdomen?I
Part- 89 Management of case of lump abdomen?II
Part- 90 Management of case of lump abdomenIII
Part- 91 Management of case of genito-urinary trauma in children
99 General Surgery Vol.XXIV Part- 92 Management of case of soft tissue tumor ? I
Part- 93 Management of case of soft tissue tumor ? II
Part- 94 Management of case of soft tissue tumor?III
Part- 95 Management of case of soft tissue tumor-IV
100 General Surgery Vol.XXV Part- 96 Management of a case of soft tissue sarcoma-V
Part- 97 Management of case of short bowel syndrome
Part- 98 Complications of pancreato-dudeno
101 General Surgery Vol.XXVI Part- 99 Evaluation of a case with peripheral vascular disease
Part- 100 Stem cell therapy in peripheral vascular diseases
Part- 101 Management of vascular trauma
Part- 102 Newer modalities in treatment of varicose veins
102 General Surgery Vol.XXVII Part- 103 Genito-urinary trauma in children-II
Part- 104 Stroke: diagnosis and clinical features
Part- 105 Stroke: patho-physiology
Part- 106 Management of stroke
103 General Surgery Vol.XXVIII Part- 107 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia-I
Part- 108 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia-II
Part- 109 Fluid & Electrolyte balance in surgical practice
Part- 110 Sample & specimens in surgical practice
104 General Surgery Vol.XXIX Part- 111 FNAC in surgical practice
Part- 112 Immunohisto chemistry & molecular diagnostics in surgical practice
Part- 113 Developmental anatomy of pharynx tongue thyroid & parathyroid
Part- 114 Developmental anatomy of face oral cavity and palate
105 General Surgery Vol.XXX Part- 115 Applied anatomy of pharynx
Part- 116 Approach to mandible in resection of oral cancer-I
Part- 117 Approach to mandible in resection of oral cancer-II
Part- 118 Approach to mandible in resection of oral cancer-III
106 General Surgery Vol.XXXI Part- 119 Pathology of salivary gland tumours
Part- 120 Surgical approach to tumour of parotids-I
Part- 121 Surgical approach to tumour of parotids-II
Part- 122 Diagnostics for prostate cancer
107 General Surgery Vol.XXXII Part- 123 Extra gonadal germ cell tumours
Part- 124 Management of gastro intestinal stromal tumours
Part- 125 Surgery for ulcerative colitis
Part- 126 Management of a case of lymphoma
108 General Surgery Vol.XXXIII Part- 127 Management of chronic panceatitis
Part- 128 Esophageal motility disorders
Part- 129 Post hepectomy liver failure- prevention & management
Part- 130 Management of obscure GI bleeding
109 General Surgery Vol.XXXIV Part- 131 Management of colorectal carcinoma with liver metastasis
Part- 132 Management of locally advanced cancer of rectum
Part- 133 Sphincter saving procedures in treatment of colorectal cancer
110 General Surgery Vol.XXXV Part- 134 Organ preservation strategies in cancer-I
Part- 135 Organ conservation in renal malignancy-II
Part- 136 Organ conservation in malignancy of Urinary tract ?III
Part- 137 Organ conservation in soft tissue and bone sarcoma of limb-IV
Part- 138 Organ conservation in malignancy of larynx
111 General Surgery Vol.XXXVI Part- 139 Organ conservation in cancer breast-VI
Part- 140 Organ conservation in cancer of breast-VII
Part- 141 Organ conservation in cancer Breast-VIII
Part- 142 Organ conservation in cancer breast ?oncoplasty surgery-IX
112 Important Issues related to clinical practice Vol.I Part- 1 Consumer Protection Act
Part- 2 medico legal aspects in clinical practice
Part- 3 Medical negligence and duties of a doctor
Part- 4 Surgical audit
113 Important Issues related to clinical practice Vol.II Part- 5 Hospital acquired infections
Part- 6 Hospital safety protocols
Part- 7 Infection control in wards
Part- 8 Infection control in OTs/
114 Important Issues related to clinical practice Vol.III Part- 9 Patient safety protocols
Part- 10 Effective communication with patients
115 Neuro Surgery Vol.I Part- 1 Assessment of head injury and coma scale
Part- 2 Intracranial pressure and its clinical importance
Part- 3 CSF and its clinical importance
116 Neuro Surgery Vol.II Part- 4 Diagnostic methods in Neurosurgery-I
Part- 5 Diagnostic methods in Neurosurgery-II
Part- 6 Common brain tumors
Part- 7 Management of a case of Meningitis
117 Neuro Surgery Vol.III Part- 8 Diagnosis and management of intracranial hematoma
Part- 9 Diagnosis and management of Traumatic intracranial hematoma-II
Part- 10 Diagnosis and management of sub arachnoid hemorrhage
Part- 11 Management of case of Intracranial Aneurysms
118 Neuro Surgery Vol.IV Part- 12 Management of case of Hydrocephalus
Part- 13 Management of case of Enencephalus
Part- 14 Management of case of Cranio Syntosis
Part- 15 Management of Clinical Manifestations of HIV
119 Neuro Surgery Vol.V Part- 16 Management of Pituitary Tumors
Part- 17 Common brain tumors
Part- 18 Management of tumors of spine
120 Neuro Surgery Vol.VI Part- 19 Management of a case of Syringomyelocoele
Part- 20 Management of a case of trigeminal neuralgia
Part- 21 Fluid management in head injury
Part- 22 Applied aspects of cereberal blood flow
121 Neuro Surgery Vol.VII Part- 23 Management of cerebello-pontine tumours
Part- 24 Management of brain tumors in children
Part- 25 Management of meningioma
Part- 26 Management of post-traumatic epilepsy
122 Neuro Surgery Vol.VIII Part- 27 Clinical Profile and classification of CV Junction
Part- 28 Imaging of the Craniovertebral junction
Part- 29 Managemnt of Ossesous Anomalies, malformations & trauma of Craniovertebral junction
Part- 30 Management of Congenital Soft Tissue Anomalies and malformations of CV Junction
123 Neuro Surgery Vol.IX Part- 31 Hydrocephalus
Part- 32 Arterio-venous malformations
Part- 33 Tumors of Orbit
Part- 34 Meningiomas
124 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.I Part- 1 Key points for long case presentations
Part- 2 Key points for viva and ward rounds
Part- 3 Preparing for examination
Part- 4-Long case discussions guidelines for consultants
Part- 5- Basics of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
125 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.II Part- 6 Key points for short cases presentation
Part- 7 History taking
Part- 8 Clinical examination of Obstetrics cases
Part- 9 Clinical examination of Gynae cases
126 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.III Part- 10 pre & Post operative care
Part- 11 Applied anatomy
127 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.IV Part- 12 Mock examination-dummy Pelvis
Part- 13- Mock examination-X-rays specimens instruments
Part- 14 recent advances
Part- 15 Model answers for theory questions
128 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.V Part- 16 -Minor procedures in OBG-I
Part- 17 Minor procedures in OBG-II
Part- 18 Minor procedures in OBG-III
Part- 19 Screening for cancer cervix
129 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.VI Part- 20 Pharmaco-therapeutics of drugs for Gyane
Part- 21 Pharmaco-therapeutics of drugs for Obstetrics
Part- 22 Ultrasound in obstetrics
Part- 23 Basic mechanism of labour
Part- 24 occiput posterior position in a pregnant wo
130 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.VII Part- 25 Face Brow &Cord presentation in a pregnant woman
Part- 26 Transverse lie in a pregnant woman
131 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.VIII Part- 27 Breech presentation in a pregnant woman
Part- 28 Pathophysiology of urinary continence
Part- 29 Anatomy of ureter and sites for common injuries
Part- 30 Development of female genital tract and its clinical importance
132 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.IX Part- 31 Patho-physiology of endometrium and its clinical importance
Part- 32 Thyroid and its role in pregnancy
133 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.X Part- 33- development of Amnion its structure and functions
Part- 34- Anatomy of Pelvic floor and its importance in OBG
Part- 35-Perinatal diagnosis-I
Part- 36- Perinatal diagnosis-II
134 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.XI Part- 37- Development of Placenta and its functions
Part- 38-Physiological and neuro-endocrinal changes
Part- 39 Harmonal & emergency contraception
Part- 40 Barrier methods of contraceptions
135 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.XII Part- 41- IUCD
Part- 42- Permanent methods of contraception
Part- 43- Ante and post natal care
Part- 44- Approach to Pregnant woman with edema feet
136 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.XIII Part- 45- Approach to a Pregnant woman with bleeding in last trimester
Part- 46- Approach to a postnatal woman with bleeding
Part- 47 Approach to post natal woman with high fever
137 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.XIV Part- 48 Approach to a case of pregnant woman with anemia
Part- 49 Approach to a case of pregnant woman with previous history of CS
Part- 50 Approach to a pregnant woman with RHD
Part- 51 Approach to pregnant woman with hypertension
138 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.XV Part- 52 Approach to a case of pregnant woman with diabetes
Part- 53 Approach to a case of woman with history of bleeding PV following abortion
Part- 54 Approach to a case of woman with fibroid
Part- 55 Approach to a case of woman with menstrual disorders
139 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.XVI Part- 56 Approach to a case of prolapsed uterus
Part- 57 Approach to a case of discharge PV
Part- 58 Approach to a case of cancer cervix
Part- 59 Approach to a case of incontinence of
140 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.XVII Part- 60 Approach to a case of infertility
Part- 61 Approach to a case of ovarian tumor
Part- 62 Anatomy of foetus and its deve
141 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.XVIII Part- 63 Development of female urogenital tract
Part- 64 management of a case of urine incontinence
Part- 65 Anatomy of pelvic floor
Part- 66 Management of a case of vault prolapse
142 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.XIX Part- 67 Recent advances for the screening of pregnant woman for foetal abnormalities
Part- 68 recent advances in thrombo-prophylaxis in obstetrics
Part- 69 recent advances in screening and prevention of cancer cervix
Part- 70 Management of a case of cancer cervix
143 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.XX Part- 71 Anatomy of Pelvic Floor
Part- 72 Physiology of Mensturation
Part- 73 Caesarean Section
Part- 74 Pap Smear
144 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.XXI Part- 75 Management of Pre-invasive lesion of cervix
Part- 76 Screening for Aneuploidies
Part- 77 Diagnosis and Management of Vaginal Discharge
Part- 78 Abnormal Uterine bleeding the Palm Coin Approach
145 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.XXII Part- 79 Basic of endoscopc Surgery
Part- 80 Post Partum Haemorrhage
Part- 81 APH-II
Part- 82 Pre Eclampsia
146 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.XXIII Part- 83 APH-I
Part- 84 Preterm Labour
Part- 85 Hormonal Contraction
Part- 86 Diagnosis of Fetal Abnormalties in Early Pregnancy
147 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.XXIV Part- 87 Genital Prolapse
Part- 88 Management of IUGR
Part- 89 PPH
Part- 90 Partogram
148 Ophthalmology Vol.I Part- 60 Otalgia
Part- 61 Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Part- 62 CA oral cavity: Evaluation and management protocols
Part- 63 Approach to treating a case of vertigo
149 Ophthalmology Vol.II Part- 5 Clinical cases
Part- 6 History and clinical examination
Part- 7 clinical procedures
Part- 8 Surgical procedures
150 Ophthalmology Vol.III Part- 9 recent advances
Part- 10 flourescin & ICG Angiography
Part- 11- Ultra sound in common eye problems
Part- 12- Optical cohere tonography
151 Ophthalmology Vol.IV Part- 13- Indirect opthalmoscopy & fundus biomicroscopy
Part- 14- Diabetes studies DRD ETDRS VKPDS DCCT
Part- 15 Glaucoma-I Classification
Part- 16 Glaucoma-II Approach to a case with Glaucoma
152 Ophthalmology Vol.V Part- 17 Glaucoma-III Case with cataract & Glaucoma
Part- 18 Glaucoma-IV Interpretation of automated perimetery
Part- 19 Glaucoma-V Surgical proc?dures
153 Ophthalmology Vol.VI Part- 20-Applied anatomy of orbit and orbital cellulitis
Part- 21-Clincal examination and investigations of space occupying leision of Orbit
Part- 22-Approach to case with Thyroid eye disorders
Part- 23-Approach to a case with non-inflammatory orbit disorders
154 Ophthalmology Vol.VII Part- 24-Approach to a case with blow out fracture of Orbit
Part- 25- Approach to a case with chemical injury to eye
Part- 26- Approach to a case with penetrating injury to eye
Part- 27- Approach to a case with blunt injury to eye
155 Ophthalmology Vol.VIII Part- 28- Approach to a school going child with defective vision
Part- 29-Approach to a patient with poor vision
Part- 30-Approach to a child with congenital Cataract
Part- 31- Approach to a Child with suint
156 Ophthalmology Vol.IX Part- 32 Approach to a case with fungal infection of cornea
Part- 33 Approach to a case with retinal detachment and filed defects
Part- 34 Spots on OCT ICG & angiography
Part- 35 Imaging aspects of eye
157 Ophthalmology Vol.X Part- 36 Appraoch to a case of deformity of eye lids
Part- 37 Appraoch to a case of ptosis
Part- 38 Appraoch to a case of injury to eye
Part- 39 Appraoch to a case of diplopia
Part- 40 Appraoch to a case of Trachoma
158 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.I A
Part- 1 History taking
Part- 2 Clinical examination
Part- 3 Common Fractures
Part- 4 Common Procedures
159 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.II Part- 5 OSCE Film
Part- 6-Long case presentation
Part- 7-Hints for practical examination
Part- 8- Applied anatomy
Part- 9-Mock examination-instruments
160 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.III Part- 10-Mock examination-X-rays
Part- 11- Mock examination-specimens
Part- 12-Recent advances
161 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.IV Part- 13-Development of skeleton
Part- 14-Histology of Bone & muscle
Part- 15-Physiology of bone & cartilage
Part- 16- Bone healing nonunion and
162 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.V Part- 17-Examinationof hip joint and total hip replacement-I
Part- 18-Biomechanics of hip joint and preoperative assessment
Part- 19-Surgical approaches to hip and hip arthroplasty
Part- 20-Complications of total hip replacement
163 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.VI Part- 21- Approach to a case with Metabolic disorders of bone
Part- 22- Approach to a case with congenital abnormalities of skeletal system Vol.VI-B
Part- 23- Approach to a child with Congenital dislocation of hip
Part- 24- Approach to a child with club foot
164 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.VII Part- 25- Approach to a critically injured patient
Part- 26- Approach to a case with bone swelling
Part- 27-Approach to a child with history of fall and unable to move upper limb
Part- 28- Approach to an old woman with history of fall and not able to move lower limb
165 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.VIII Part- 29- Basic principles in reduction of common dislocations
Part- 30- Basic principles in the management of osteoartheritis
Part- 31-Basic principles in the reduction of common fractures
166 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.IX Part- 33- Basic techniques of putting tractions
Part- 34- basic techniques of putting plaster
Part- 35- Basic therapeutic procedures in orthopedics
Part- 36- Basic physiotherapeutic measures in
167 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.X Approach to a case with deformity of foot
Part- 38 Approach to a case with deformity of knee joint
Part- 39 Approach to a case with deformity of elbow join
168 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.XI Part- 40 Appraoch to a case with post traumatic contracture
Part- 41 Approach to a case with contracture
Part- 42 Appraoch to a case with unstable kne
169 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.XII Part- 43 Appraoch to a case with non-union of fracture ?I
Part- 44 Appraoch to a case with non-union of fracture ?II
170 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.XIII Part- 45 Appraoch to a case with altered gait
Part- 46 Appraoch to a case with non-union of facture ?III
Part- 47 Appraoch toa case with non union of fracture-IV
Part- 48 Appraoch to a case with bony swelling-I
Part- 49 Appraoch to a case with bony swelling-II
171 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.XIV Part- 50 Appraoch to a case with nerve injury
Part- 51 Appraoch to a case with osteomyelitis
Part- 52 Appraoch to a case with artheritis-I
Part- 53 Appraoch to a case with artheritis-II
172 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.XV Part- 54 Appraoch to a case with swelling in spine
Part- 55 Pathological specimen in orthopedics
Part- 56 X-rays in orthopedics-I
173 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.XVI Part- 57 X-rays in Orthopedics-II 400
174 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.XVII Part- 58 Instruments viva
Part- 59 Rehablitation of orthiopedics cases
175 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.XVIII Part- 60 Clinical examination and evaluation of shoulder
Part- 61 Clinical examination and evaluation of hip
Part- 62 Surgical approaches to hip joint
Part- 63 Clinical examination and evaluation of spine
Part- 64 Current concepts in spine tuberculosis
176 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.XIX Part- 65 Diagnosis and management of nerve injuries-I
Part- 66 Diagnosis and management of nerve injuries-II
Part- 67 Current concepts in musculoskeletalinfections
Part- 68 Approach to musculoskeletal tumors
177 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.XX Part- 69 X-Ray reading
Part- 70 Biomechanics & Principles of Total Knee Replacement
Part- 71 Adult Hip Disorder and its Management
Part- 72 Diagnosis and Management of Stiff Elbow
178 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.XXI Part- 73 Management of Cervical Disc Disease
Part- 74 Peripheral Nerve Injuries
Part- 75 Rickets
Part- 76 Shoulder Instability
179 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.XXII Part- 77 Overview of Arthritis and Arthroplasty
Part- 78 Approach to Musculoskeletal Tumors
Part- 79 TB Spine
Part- 80 Clubfoot Assessment and Ponseti"s Treatment
180 Orthopedic Surgery Vol.XXIII Part- 81 Bone Tumors
Part- 82 Bladder Management in Paraplegic
Part- 83 Nerve Injuries
Part- 84 Examination of Hip Joint
181 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.I Part- 1- Long case discussion for ENT
Part- 2- Short case discussion for ENT
Part- 3-OSCe Film for ENT
Part- 4- Viva instrument in ENT
Part- 5 hints fro examination ENT
182 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.II Part- 6 History & clinical examination
Part- 7 Clinical examination ENT
Part- 8- Case of frontal swelling
Part- 9-case of CSOM
Part- 10-Case of midline leision of tongue
Part- 11- case of change in voice
183 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.III Part- 12- Preparing for theory examination
Part- 13-Intruments in ENT
Part- 14-surgical procedures
184 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.IV Part- 15- Anatomy of facial nerve
Part- 16 Anatomy of larynx and physiology of Phonation
Part- 17 Applied anatomy of neck
Part- 18- applied anatomy of middle ear
Part- 19- Applied anatomy of middle meatus
185 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.V Part- 20 Approach to a case with Foreign body in ear and nose
Part- 21- Approach to a case with recurrent sore throat and fever
Part- 22Approach to a child with hoarseness of voice
Part- 23- Approach to an elderly person with hoarseness of voice
186 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.VI Part- 24- Approach to an adult with history of dysphagia
Part- 25- Approach to a case with epistaxis
Part- 26 approach to a case with discharge from ear
Part- 27- Model answers to theory questions
187 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.VII Part- 28 Approach to a case with congenital mass in nose-I
Part- 29 Approach to a case with nasal mass-II
Part- 30 Approach to a case with nasal mass-III
188 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.VIII Part- 31 Approach to a case with laryngeal mass-I
Part- 32 Approach to a case with laryngeal mass-II
189 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.IX Part- 33 Approach to a child with tonsillitis
Part- 34 Common case scenario in ENT
Part- 35 Common audiological investigatio
190 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.X Part- 36 Imaging in ENT-I
Part- 37 Imaging in ENT-II
Part- 38 Specimen in ENT
Part- 39 Approach to a child with discharge from ear
191 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.XI Part- 40 Basics of Mastoid Surgery
Part- 41 Tracheostomy
Part- 42 Basics of Fess
Part- 43 Basic Tests for Hearing Evaluation
192 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.XII 4 Cochlear Implants
Part- 45 Otitis Media with Effusion
Part- 46 Hearing Loss in children: Overview
Part- 47 Advanced Tests for Hearing Evaluation
193 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.XIII Part- 48 Septal Correction Surgery
Part- 49 Tinnitus
Part- 50 Malignant Salivary Glands Tumors
Part- 51 Clinical and Electrophysiological Evaluation of Vestibular Dysfunction
194 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.XIV Part- 52 Meniere"s Disease
Part- 53 Reconstruction options
Part- 54 Oral cavity premlignant lesions, etiopathogenesis of carcinoma
Part- 55 Oral Ulcerations
195 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.XV Part- 56 Basics of Mastoid Surgery
Part- 57 Basics of Fess
Part- 58 Stuffy Nose
Part- 59 Tracheostomy
196 Otorhinolaryngology Vol.XVI Part- 60 Otalgia
Part- 61 Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Part- 62 CA oral cavity: Evaluation and management protocols
Part- 63 Approach to treating a case of vertigo
197 Paediatrics Vol.I Part- 1- Long case discussion
Part- 2- Hints for practical examination
Part- 3-OSCE Practical
Part- 4-OSCE Pediatrics
Part- 5-OSCE Film
198 Paediatrics Vol.II Part- 6 History taking of a case
Part- 7 General Physical Examination
Part- 8 Examination of CVS & Respiratory systems
Part- 9 Examination of CNS
199 Paediatrics Vol.III Part- 10- Theory Examination
Part- 11 Common procedures
Part- 12- recent advances
Part- 13-Fluid& electrolyte management in children
200 Paediatrics Vol.IV Part- 14- Advanced life support for neonate-I
Part- 15- Advanced life support for neonate-II
Part- 16- Assessment of growth & development-I
Part- 17- Assessment of growth & development-II
201 Paediatrics Vol.V Part- 18- Presenting a child with abdominal & hematological complaints
Part- 19- Model answers to theory questions
202 Paediatrics Vol.VI Part- 20 Approach to a child with heart diseases
Part- 21 Arterial blood gases
Part- 22 Examination of a neonate
Part- 23 Common metabolic disorders in neonat
203 Paediatrics Vol.VII Part- 24 Approach to a child with short stature
Part- 25 approach to a child with ambiguous genitalia
Part- 26 Approach to a child with Chronic Lever Disease
Part- 27 Examination of a bleeding neonate
204 Paediatrics Vol.VIII Part- 28 Approach to a child with epilepsy
Part- 29 Approach to a child with stroke
Part- 30 Approach to child with diarrhoea
Part- 31 Approach to child with PEM
205 Paediatrics Vol.IX Part- 32 Approach to a child with Bronchial Asthma
Part- 33 Approach to a child with Nephrotic syndrome
Part- 34 Approach to child with Limp
206 Paediatrics Vol.X Part- 35 Quiz on X-rays
Part- 36 Quiz on ECG
Part- 37 Quiz on instruments
Part- 38 Quiz on case scenari
207 Paediatrics Vol.XI Part- 39 Quiz on Hematology
Part- 40 Common pediatrics procedures
Part- 41 Integrated Management of Neonatal & Illnesses (IMNCI) Programme
208 Paediatrics Vol.XII Part- 42 Neonatal Resuscitation Protocol (NRP-2006) Guidelines
Part- 43 Management of Pediatrics Cardiac Emergencies
Part- 44 Management of Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Neonates
Part- 45 Management of Neonatal hyper-bilirubinemia
209 Paediatrics Vol.XIII Part- 46 Management of bleeding neonates
Part- 47 Management of neonatal sepsis
Part- 48 Feeding of LBW infants
Part- 49 Challenges for feeding of risk babie
210 Paediatrics Vol.XIV Part- 50 Immunization issues in children-II
Part- 51 CNS Tuberculosis
Part- 52 Neonatal seizures
Part- 53 Neonatal jaundice-II
211 Paediatrics Vol.XV Part- 54 Neonatal sepsis-II
Part- 55 Management of Hypothermia in Neonate
Part- 56 Management of Shock in children
Part- 57 Management of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy in Children
212 Paediatrics Vol.XVI Part- 58 Management of Child with UTI
Part- 59 Management of Child with HIV
Part- 60 Management of asthma in children
Part- 61 How to prepare for practical exam in pediatrics
213 Paediatrics Vol.XVII Part- 62 Neonatal resuscitation - physiology of respiration
Part- 63 Neonatal resuscitation- initial steps
Part- 64 Neonatal resuscitation - bag and mask ventilation
Part- 65 Neonatal resuscitation - endotracheal intubation and medications
214 Paediatrics Vol.XVIII Part- 66 Management of respiratory disease syndrome and the role of surfactants
Part- 67 Approach to respiratory distress in newborn
Part- 68 Upper respiratory infections bronchiolitis
Part- 69 Lower respiratory tract infections in children
215 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Vol.I Part- 1 Rehabilitation of balance problems-I
Part- 2 Rehabilitation of balance problems-II
Part- 3 Management of low back pain
Part- 4 Rehabilitation of a case with cerebral
216 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Vol.II Part- 5 Rehabilitation of a case of COPD
Part- 6 Management of trauma due to bad ergonomics
Part- 7 Management of case of leprosy with deformities
217 Psychiatry Vol.I Part- 1 Child psychiatry research in India
Part- 2 Management of autism spectrum disorders
Part- 3 of suicidal behaviors in young
218 Psychiatry Vol.II Part- 5 Studies on Management of depression in childhood and adolescence
Part- 4 Management schizophrenia
Part- 6 Neuro-imaging in schizophrenia
Part- 7 Infections and schizophrenia
Part- 8 Neuro transmitters and schizophrenia
219 Psychiatry Vol.III Part- 9 Management of a child with learning disabilities
Part- 10 Management of a school child with poor performance
Part- 11 counseling for school children
Part- 12 Mental health programme for school children
220 Psychiatry Vol.IV Part- 13 Development milestones in children
Part- 14 management of children with ADD/ADHD
Part- 15 Normal thinking and disorders of thought
221 Psychiatry Vol.V Part- 16 Rating scales in psychiatric practice
Part- 17 Cognitive assessment in psychiatric practice
Part- 18 Examination of an un-cooperative psychiatric patient
Part- 19 Disability certification in psychiatric practice
222 Psychiatry Vol.VI Part- 20 Neuro developmental and neuro degenerative theories in psychiatry
Part- 21 Basics of genetic counseling
Part- 22 Anthropology in psychiatry
Part- 23 Bio-ethics in psychiatry
223 Radio Diagnosis Vol.I Part- 1- Long case discussion
Part- 2- Short case presentation
Part- 3- Short case discussions
Part- 4- OSCE film
224 Radio Diagnosis Vol.II Part- 5 short case discussions in Neuro and G.I Radiology
Part- 6 Instruments & procedures
225 Radio Diagnosis Vol.III Part- 7 Radio physics- instruments
Part- 8 Radio physics- Radiation safety
226 Radio Diagnosis Vol.IV Part- 9- Mock examination in radiology
Part- 10 recent advances
227 Radio Diagnosis Vol.V Part- 11 MR Angiography
Part- 12 MR Sequences
Part- 13 CT Angiography
Part- 14 Digital radiograp
228 Radio Diagnosis Vol.VI Part- 15 Interventional Radiology
Part- 16 MRI Physics-I
Part- 17 MRI Physics-II
Part- 18 MRI Physics-III
229 Radio Diagnosis Vol.VII Part- 19 Imaging of skeletal systems-I
Part- 20 Imaging of skeletal system-II
Part- 21 Imaging of skeletal system-III
Part- 22 Imaging of cranial nerves
230 Radio Diagnosis Vol.VIII Part- 23 Imaging of abdomen
Part- 24 Role of ultrasound in breast disorders
Part- 25 Equipments and instruments in radiology-I
231 Radio Diagnosis Vol.IX Part- 26 Equipments and instruments in radiology-II
Part- 27 Basic concepts in interventional radiology
Part- 28 MRI-MRCP
Part- 29 FDG/PET/CT
232 Radio Diagnosis Vol.X Part- 30 Interventional radiology- basics of hardware
Part- 31 Neuro- interventional radiology
Part- 32 vascular- interventional radiology
Part- 33 Pediatrics cardiac imaging
233 Radio Diagnosis Vol.XI Part- 34 Imaging of urinary tract-I
Part- 35 Imaging for renal infections
Part- 36 Obstetrics ulra-sonography
Part- 37 Mammography
234 Radio Diagnosis Vol.XII Part- 38 Guidelines for radiology reporting
Part- 39 CT Angiography -II
Part- 40 Imaging skeletal dysplasias
Part- 41 PNDT act and rules
235 Radio Diagnosis Vol.XIII Part- 42 Basics of X-Ray Chest
Part- 43 Basics of Ultrasound in Abdomen
Part- 44 Conventional Radiology in Acute Abdomen
Part- 45 Conventional Radiology in Urinary Tract Investigations
236 Radio Diagnosis Vol.XIV Part- 46 The role of interventional radiology
Part- 47 HRET of the temporal bone
Part- 48 CT Coronary Angiography
Part- 49 Normal CT Anatomy of the liver
237 Radio Diagnosis Vol.XV Part- 50 Imaging of Intestinal Ischaemic Disorders
Part- 51 MRI of the Breast
Part- 52 Interventions in Trauma
Part- 53 Vascular Interventions
238 Radio Diagnosis Vol.XVI Part- 54 Interventions in Trauma
Part- 55 Interventions in Trauma
Part- 56 Vascular Interventions an Overview
Part- 57 Imaging of Ovarian Masses
239 Radio Diagnosis Vol.XVII Part- 58 MR Imaging of shoulder pain
Part- 59 Imaging of Skeletal Dysplasias
Part- 60 Imaging of adrenal glands
Part- 60 Imaging of biliary obstruction
240 Radio Therapy Vol.I Part- 1 Principles of radiation therapy (Physics)-I
Part- 2 Principles of radiation therapy (Treatment)-II
Part- 3 Principles of radiation therapy ` (Radiobiology)-III
Part- 4 Principles of radiation therapy (Chemothera
241 Radio Therapy Vol.II Part- 5 Overview of the radiotherapy equipment
Part- 6 radiation hazard and protection
Part- 7 Brachy therapy
Part- 8 Management of cancer Breast
242 Radio Therapy Vol.III Part- 9 Management of Cancer cervix
Part- 10 management of cancer lung and lymphoma1
Part- 11 principles of radiotherapy planning
Part- 12 Chemo-radiation in head & neck
243 Radio Therapy Vol.IV Part- 13 Radiotherapic management of bone tumour I
Part- 14 Radiotherapic management of bone tumour-II
Part- 15 Radiotherapic management of brain tumour-I
Part- 16 Radiotherapic management of brain tumour-II
244 Thesis Writing Vol.I Part- 1 Writing thesis protocol-I
Part- 2 Writing thesis protocol-II
Part- 3 Writing thesis- I
Part- 4 Writing thesis- II
245 Thesis Writing Vol.II Part- 5 Special issues related to research
Part- 6 Basic steps in research
246 Thesis Writing Vol.III Part- 7 Types of research designs
Part- 8 Sample size and sampling techniques
Part- 9 Concept of chance confounding and bias
Part- 10 Statistical tests
247 Trauma Care Vol.I Part- 1 Trauma assessment and resuscitation
Part- 2 Trauma in children and pregnant women
Part- 3 Head and spinal cord trauma
Part- 4 Thoracic abdominal and geriatrics trauma
248 Trauma Care Vol.II Part- 5 Blast and musculo-skeletal trauma
Part- 6 Fluid and electrolytes administration in surgical cases
Part- 7 Blood and component administration
Part- 8 Fluid and electrolytes administration in medical cases
249 Trauma Care Vol.III Part- 9 Management of blunt trauma to abdomen
Part- 10 Management of hand injury
Part- 11 Management of bone soft tissue and vascular injuries
Part- 12 Replacement of hair and skin in injuries
250 Vascular Surgery Vol.I Part- 1 Management of acute limb ischemia
Part- 2 Management of chronic limb ischemia
Part- 3 Patho-physiology and management of deep vein thrombosis
Part- 4 Management of thoracic outlet syndrome
251 Vascular Surgery Vol.II Part- 5 Management of abdominal aortic anurysm
Part- 6 Management of carotid stenosis
Part- 7 Management of varicose veins
Part- 8 Management of vascular trauma