National Board of Examinations

New Delhi

                              Dated: 12.08.2017



DNB PDCET (Emergency Medicine) – July 2017 Admission session – Centralized Merit Based Counseling.


1.    Candidates having recognized Post Diploma qualification in any specialty and have opted for DNB Post Diploma Emergency Medicine during the online registration for DNB PDCET - July 2017 admission session are eligible for Centralized Merit Based counseling for admission to DNB Post Diploma course in Emergency Medicine for July 2017 Admission Session.


2.    The Centralized Merit Based counseling for admission to DNB Post Diploma course in Emergency Medicine for July 2017 Admission Session shall be conducted on 14th September, 2017 – 2:00 PM at NBE Dwarka Office, New Delhi.


3.    Candidates who have attended PDCET July 2017 counseling either in-person or opted out using online facility need not pay the counseling fee for attending PDCET (Emergency Medicine) Counseling. 


4.    Candidates who did not attend the PDCET July 2017 counseling either in-person or using online facility are required to pay counseling fee of Rs. 2500/- either through demand draft drawn in favour of National Board of Examinations, payable at New Delhi or through Debit / Credit Card, on the day of counseling.


5.    Candidate may note that participation in the Counseling is subject to the candidates being eligible in all respects and verification of their original documents at the time of the Counseling.


6.    Candidates without original documents shall not be allowed to appear/participate in Centralized Counseling by NBE under any circumstances.


7.    Candidates concerned are required to furnish a certificate from the competent authority of the Medical College/University concerned that the duration of Diploma training is in compliance with applicable rules governing the same and the Diploma Qualification has been awarded in compliance of the same thereof.


8.    Participation in the Counseling shall be strictly as per the eligibility criteria and guidelines mentioned in the Information Bulletin for DNB PDCET – July 2017 and Handbook for DNB PDCET Centralized Merit Based Counseling – July 2017 admission session which is available on the website.


9.    The Indicative seat matrix shall be made available on NBE website shortly. Final Seat matrix shall be notified prior to commencement of the counseling.


10. Candidates can download their rank letters for participation in the Counseling in due course.


11. For any further clarification/assistance related to DNB PDCET (Emergency Medicine) Centralized Merit Based Counseling – July  2017 admission session, please write to NBE at e-mail ID 




